Click for helpSupport notes

Support notes are a general resource for information. They can cover troubleshooting, hints and tips on performance, or just give general information on a product.

These support notes are on our web site, so make sure your Internet connection is ready before you open them.

Click the bullet below to read the support note.

Click to go to the support note Windows 98 compatibility
Click to go to the support note Shadows of the Empire
Click to go to the support note Apocalypse v4.1.1 and 3DCC.EXE
Click to go to the support note No driver tab in card properties when upgrading drivers
Click to go to the support note Microsoft Flight Simulator '98
Click to go to the support note GPolice
Click to go to the support note Ultim@te Race and Riva 128-based graphics cards
Click to go to the support note Wipeout hangs with the Number 9 Imagine 128 Series II graphics card
Click to go to the support note PowerVR Tomb Raider installation and troubleshooting
Click to go to the support note Award BIOS and S3 968 graphics cards